Handmade Leather Aviator Cap made with Horween’s Dublin leather and DieselPunkRO leather pattern.
This was such a fun build as I chose to use the belly section of leather as it maintains a nice softness. The flesh side (inside) is sealed and burnished to a nice touch that adds comfort when wearing. The ear muffs have been doubled up for a more durable structure, considering the malleableness of the 4-5oz. leather and it’s all lovingly hand-cut & hand-stitched with premium thread.
I was inspired to build an aviator cap when in TN at the worlds largest knife shop. Inside the knife shop they have a vintage collection of old war items including a few leather made aviator caps.
Below is some links that helped me with this build:
Leather Pattern – DieselPunkRO
Leather Used – The Tannery Row Horween Dublin
See Made By Brian Guy ETSY page to see if this item is available